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77. Electromagnetic Form Factors for Nucleons in Short-Range Correlations and the EMC

D. N. Kim, O. Hen, G. A. Miller, E. Piasetzky, M. Strikman, and L. Weinstein

76. Design of the ECCE Detector for the Electron Ion Collider

J.K. Adkins et al. (ECCE Consortium)

75. Open Heavy Flavor Studies for the ECCE Detector at the Electron Ion Collider

J.-L Zhang et al. (ECCE Consortium)

arXiv: 2207.09437

Prepared for NIM-A Special Issue on "Detectors for the Electron-Ion Collider"

74. Transport Estimations of Final State Interaction Effects on Short–range Correlation Studies Using the (e,e’p) and (e,e’pp) Reactions

73. Nucleon off-shell structure and the free neutron valence structure from A=3 inclusive electron scattering measurements

E.P. Segarra, J.R. Pybus, F. Hauenstein, T. Kutz, D.W. Higinbotham, G.A. Miller, E. Piasetzky, A. Schmidt, M. Strikman, L.B. Weinstein, and O. Hen.



72. Evidence for Modified Quark-Gluon Distributions in Nuclei by
Correlated Nucleon Pairs

A.W. Denniston, T. Jezo, A. Kusina, N. Derakhshanian, P. Duwentaster, O. Hen

C. Keppel, M. Klasen, K. Kovarik, J.G. Morfin, K.F. Muzakka, F.I. Olness, E. Piasetzky, P. Risse, R. Ruiz, I. Schienbein, and J.Y. Yu

71. Search for axion-like particles through nuclear Primakoff
production using the GlueX detector

J.R. Pybus, T. Kolar, B. Devkota, P. Sharp, B. Yu, and O. Hen et al.

70. A=3 (e,e’) xB > 1 cross-section ratios and the isospin structure of short-range correlations

A. Schmidt, A.W. Denniston, E.M. Seroka, N. Barnea, D.W. Higinbotham, I. Korover, G.A. Miller, E. Piasetzky, M. Strikman, L.B. Weinstein, R. Weiss, and O. Hen.

69. Probing axion-like particles at the Electron-Ion Collider

R. Balkin, O. Hen, W. Li, H. Liu, T. Ma, C. Paus, Y. Soreq, and M. Williams

68. The Present and Future of QCD

P. Achenbach et al. (U.S. QCD Research Community)

Nucl. Phys. A 1047, 122874 (2024). arXiv: 2303.02579

*QCD Town Meeting White Paper, submitted to 2023 NSAC Long-Range Plan committee


67. First double-differential measurement of kinematic imbalance in neutrino interactions with the MicroBooNE detector

P. Abratenko et al. (MicroBooNE Collaboration)

Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 101802 (2023). arXiv: 2301.03706

*Based on analysis by: A. Papadopoulou, A. Ashkenazi, E.O. Cohen, E. Piasetzky, and O. Hen.

66. Multi-Differential Cross Section Measurements of νμ-Argon
Quasielastic-like Reactions with the MicroBooNE Detector

P. Abratenko et al. (MicroBooNE Collaboration)

Phys. Rev. D 108, 053002 (2023). arXiv: 2301.03700

*Based on analysis by: A. Papadopoulou, A. Ashkenazi, E.O. Cohen, E. Piasetzky, and O. Hen.

65. Observation of Large Missing-Momentum (e,e'p) Cross-Section Scaling and the onset of Correlated-Pair Dominance in Nuclei

I. Korover and A.W. Denniston et al. (CLAS Collaboration)

64. Evaluation of longitudinal double-spin asymmetry measurements in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering from the proton for the ECCE detector design

C. Van Hulse et al. (ECCE Consortium)

63. Design and Simulated Performance of Calorimetry Systems for the ECCE Detector at the Electron Ion Collider

F. Bock et al. (ECCE Consortium)

62. ECCE unpolarized TMD measurements

R. Seidl et al. (ECCE Consortium)

61. Detector Requirements and Simulation Results for the EIC Exclusive, Diffractive and Tagging Physics Program using the ECCE Detector Concept

A. Bylinkin et al. (ECCE Consortium)

60. Search for e→τ Charged Lepton Flavor Violation at the EIC with the ECCE Detector

J.-L Zhang et al. (ECCE Consortium)

59. ECCE Sensitivity Studies for Single Hadron Transverse Single Spin Asymmetry Measurements

R. Seidl et al. (ECCE Consortium)

58. Exclusive J/ψ Detection and Physics with ECCE

X. Li et al. (ECCE Consortium)

57. AI-assisted Optimization of the ECCE Tracking System at the Electron Ion Collider

C. Fanelli et al. (ECCE Consortium)

56. Scientific Computing Plan for the ECCE Detector at the Electron Ion Collider

J. C. Bernauer et al. (ECCE Consortium)


55. Search for a bound di-neutron by comparing 3He(e,e'p)d and 3H(e,e'p)X measurements

D. Nguyen, C. Neuburger, R. Cruz-Torres, A. Schmidt, D.W. Higinbotham, 

J. Kahlbow, P. Monaghan, E. Piasetzky, and O. Hen

54. Measuring Recoiling Nucleons from the Nucleus with the Electron Ion Collider

F. Hauenstein, A. Jentsch, J. R. Pybus, A. Kiral, M. D. Baker, Y. Furletova, O. Hen, D. W. Higinbotham, C. Hyde, V. Morozov, D. Romanov, L.B. Weinstein

53. Science Requirements and Detector Concepts for the Electron-Ion Collider: EIC Yellow Report

R. Abdul Khalek et al. (EICUG)

Nucl. Phys. A 1026, 122447 (2022). arXiv:2103.05419

*Contributed to selected studies and via convenorship work of the Diffraction and Tagging physics working group.


52. Electron Beam Energy Reconstruction for Neutrino Oscillation Measurements

M. Khachatryan, A. Papadopoulou, and A. Ashkenazi et al. (CLAS and e4nu collaborations)

Nature 599, 565 (2021). [Nature open access link: here.]

Featured in Nature 'News and Views': N. Rocco, Nature 599, 560 (2021).

51. Unperturbed inverse kinematics nucleon knockout measurements with a carbon beam

M. Patsyuk, J. Kahlbow, G. Laskaris, V. Lenivenko, and E. P. Segarra et al. (BM@N Collaboration)

Nature Physics 17, 693 (2021). arXiv: 2102.02626 [Nature open access link: here.]

Featured in Nature Physics 'News and Views': J. Ryckebusch, Nature Physics 17, 667 (2021).

50. Many-Body Factorization and Position-Momentum Equivalence
of Nuclear Short-Range Correlations

R. Cruz Torres, D. Lonardoni, R. Weiss, M. Piarulli, N. Barnea, D.W. Higinbotham,

E. Piasetzky, A. Schmidt, L.B. Weinstein, R.B. Wiringa, and O. Hen.

Nature Physics 17, 306 (2021). arXiv: 1907.03658 [Nature open access link: here.]

Featured in Nature Physics 'News and Views': M. Urban, Nature Physics 17, 294 (2021).

49. From Nuclear Clusters to Neutron Stars

O. Hen

Science 371, 232 (2021). [Science open access link: here.]

*Commissioned Perspective.

48. C(e,e’pN) Measurements of Short Range Correlations in the Tensor-to-Scalar Interaction Transition Region

I. Korover, J. R. Pybus, A. Schmidt, F. Hauenstein, M. Duer, and O. Hen et al. (CLAS Collaboration).

47. Neutron Spin Structure from e-3He Scattering with Double Spectator Tagging at the Electron-Ion Collider

I. Friscic, D. Nguyen, J. Pybus, A. Jentsch, E. Segarra, M. Baker, O. Hen

D. Higinbotham, R. Milner, A. Tadepalli, J. Rittenhouse West

46. Extracting the number of short-range correlated nucleon pairs from inclusive electron scattering data

R. Weiss, A.W. Denniston, J.R. Pybus, O. Hen, E. Piasetzky, A. Schmidt, L.B. Weinstein, and N. Barnea.

45. Short-Range Correlations and the Nuclear EMC Effect in Deuterium and Helium-3

E.P. Segarra, J.R. Pybus, F. Hauenstein, D.W. Higinbotham, G.A. Miller, E. Piasetzky, A. Schmidt, M. Strikman, L.B. Weinstein, and O. Hen.

44. nCTEQ15HIX: Extending nPDF Analyses into the High-x Region with New Jefferson Lab Data

E.P. Segarra, T. Jezo, A. Accardi, P. Duwentaster, O. Hen, T.J. Hobbs, C. Keppel, M. Klasen, 

K. Kovarik, A. Kusina, J.G. Morfin, M.K. Muzakka, F.I. Olness, I. Schienbeinm and J.Y. Yu.

43. A 90 degrees bend curved light-guide for TOF scintillating detectors

M. Olivenboim, E.O. Cohen, L. Burshtein, A. Denniston, O. Hen, J. Kahlbow, S. May-Tal Beck, E. Piasetzky, E.P. Segarr, T. Shapira, and S. Segeva

42. Inclusive Electron Scattering and the GENIE Neutrino Event Generator

A. Papadopolou, A. Ashkenazi, S. Gardiner, M. Betancourt, S. Dytman, L.B. Weinstein, 

E. Piasetzky, F. Hauenstein, M. Khachatryan, S. Dolan, G. Megias, and O. Hen

41. From Quarks to Nuclei: Short Range Correlations Studies Across the Globe

F. Hauenstein, J. Kahlbow and O. Hen


40. Probing the core of the strong nuclear interaction

A. Schmidt, J.R. Pybus, R. Weiss, E.P. Segarra, A. Hrnjic, A. Denniston, and O. Hen, et al. (CLAS Collaboration).

Nature 578, 540 (2020)arXiv: 2004.11221 [Nature open access link: here.]

Featured in Nature 'News and Views': A. Gade, Nature 578, 524 (2020).

39. Probing few-body nuclear dynamics via 3H and 3He (e,e′p)pn cross-section measurements

R. Cruz Torres, D. Nguyen, F. Hauenstein, and A. Schmidt et al. (Jefferson Lab Hall A Tritium Collaboration).

38. First measurement of differential charged current quasielastic–like
νμ–argon scattering cross-sections using the MicroBooNE detector

P. Abratenko et al. (MicroBooNE Collaboration)

Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 201803 (2020). arXiv: 2006.00108

*Based on analysis by: A. Papadopoulou, E.O. Cohen, A. Ashkenazi, E. Piasetzky, and O. Hen.

37. Neutron valence structure from nuclear deep inelastic scattering

E.P. Segarra, A. Schmidt, T. Kutz, D.W. Higinbotham, E. Piasetzky, M. Strikman, L.B. Weinstein, and O. Hen

36. Generalized Contact Formalism Analysis of the 4He(e,e′pN) Reaction

J.R. Pybus, I. Korover, R. Weiss, A. Schmidt, N. Barnea, D.W. Higinbotham, E. Piasetzky, M. Strikman, L.B. Weinstein, and O. Hen.

35. Probing short-range correlations in the deuteron via incoherent
diffractive J/ψ production with spectator tagging at the EIC

Z. Tu, A. Jentsch, M. Baker, L. Zheng, J.-H. Lee, R. Venugopalan, O. Hen

D. Higinbotham, E.C. Aschenauer, T. Ullrich.

34. Nucleon-nucleon correlations and the single-particle strength in atomic nuclei

S. Paschalis, M. Petri, A.O. Macchiavelli, O. Hen, and E. Piasetzky.

33. The CLAS12 Backward Angle Neutron Detector (BAND)

E.P. Segarra, F. Hauenstein, and A. Schmidt et al. (The BAND Collaboration).

32. Laser Calibration System for Time of Flight Scintillator Arrays

A. Denniston, E.P. Segarra, A. Schmidt, A. Beck, S. May-Tal Beck, R. Cruz-Torres, F. Hauenstein, A. Hrnjic, T. Kutz, A. Nambrath, J.R. Pybus, P. Toledo, L.B. Weinstein, M. Olivenboim, E. Piasetzky, I. Korover and O. Hen.


31. Modified Structure of Protons and Neutrons in Correlated Pairs

B. Schmookler, M. Duer, A. Schmidt and O. Hen et al. (CLAS Collaboration)

Nature 566, 354 (2019). arXiv: 2004.12065 [Nature open access link: here.]

Featured in Nature 'News and Views': G. Feldman, Nature 566, 332 (2019).

30. Direct Observation of Proton-Neutron Short-Range Correlation Dominance in Heavy Nuclei

M. Duer, A. Schmidt, J.R. Pybus, E.P. Segarra, A.W. Denniston, and O. Hen et al. (CLAS Collaboration)

29. Comparing proton momentum distributions in A=2 and 3 nuclei
via 2H 3He and 3H (e,e'p) measurements

R. Cruz Torres et al. (Jefferson Lab Hall A Tritium Collaboration).

28. Measurement of Nuclear Transparency Ratios for Protons and Neutrons

M. Duer, O. Hen, E. Piasetzky, L.B. Weinstein, and A. Schmidt et al. (CLAS Collaboration)

27. Can Long-Range Nuclear Properties Be Influenced By Short Range Interactions? A chiral dynamics estimate

G. Miller, A. Beck, S. May-Tal Beck, L.B. Weinstein, E. Piasetzky, and O. Hen.

26. Energy and momentum dependence of nuclear short-range correlations -Spectral function, exclusive scattering experiments and the contact formalism

R. Weiss, I. Korover, E. Piasetzky, O. Hen, and Nir Barnea.

25. Rejecting cosmic background for exclusive neutrino interaction studies with Liquid Argon TPCs; a case study with the MicroBooNE detector

C. Adams et al. (MicroBooNE Collaboration)

Eur. Phys. J. C 79, 673 (2019). arXiv: 1812.05679

*Based on analysis by: E.O. Cohen, A. Papadopoulou, A. Ashkenazi, E. Piasetzky, and O. Hen.


24. Probing High Momentum Protons and Neutrons in Neutron-Rich Nuclei

M. Duer, O. Hen, E. Piasetzky, H. Hakobyan and L.B. Weinstein et al. (CLAS Collaboration)

Nature 560, 617 (2018). [Nature open access link: here.]

23. Center of mass motion of short-range correlated nucleon pairs studied via the A(e, e′pp) reaction

E.O. Cohen, O. Hen, E. Piasetzky, L.B. Weinstein, M. Duer, and A. Schmidt et al. (CLAS Collaboration)

22. Short range correlations and the isospin dependence of nuclear correlation functions

R. Cruz Torres, A. Schmidt, G.A. Miller, L.B. Weinstein, N. Barnea, R. Weiss, E. Piasetzkyand O. Hen.

21. The Nuclear Contacts and Short-Range Correlations in Nuclei

R. Weiss, R. Cruz Torres, N. Barnea, E. Piasetzky, and O. Hen

20. The symmetry energy γ parameter of the consistent relativistic mean-field models

M. Dutra, O. Lourenço, O. Hen, E. Piasetzky, and D.P. Menezes.


19. Nucleon-Nucleon Correlations, Short-lived Excitations, and the Quarks Within

O. Hen, G.A. Miller, E. Piasetzky, and L.B. Weinstein.

18. Aspects of charge distribution measurement for 252Cf(sf)

T. Wang, G. Li, L. Zhu, O. Hen, G. Zhang, Q. Meng, L. Wang, H. Han, and H. Xia.


17. Hammer events, neutrino energies, and nucleon-nucleon correlations

L. B. Weinstein, O. Hen, and E. Piasetzky.


16. Correlated Fermion Pairs in Nuclei and Ultracold Atomic Gases

O. Hen, L. B. Weinstein, E. Piasetzky, G. A. Miller, M. M. Sargsian and Y. Sagi.

15. Extracting the Mass Dependence and Quantum Numbers of Short-Range Correlated Pairs from A(e,e'p) and A(e,e'pp) Scattering

C. Colle, O. Hen, W. Cosyn, I. Korover, E. Piasetzky, J. Ryckebusch, and L. B. Weinstein.

14. Comment on 'Measurement of 2- and 3-nucleon short range correlation probabilities in nuclei

D. W. Higinbotham and O. Hen.

13. Symmetry energy of nucleonic matter with tensor correlations

O. Hen, Bao-An Li, Wen-Jun Guo, L.B. Weinstein, Eli Piasetzky.


12. Momentum Sharing in Imbalanced Fermi Systems

O. Hen et al. (Jefferson Lab CLAS Collaboration).

Science 346, 614 (2014). arXiv: 1412.0138
[Selected for Science-Express]

11. Approaching the nucleon-nucleon short-range repulsive core via the
4He(e,e'pN) triple coincidence reaction

I. Korover, N. Muangma, and O. Hen et al. (Jefferson Lab Hall-A Collaboration).

10. Design of the Slow Positron faciliTy (SPOT) in Israel

S. May-Tal Beck, D. Cohen, E. Cohen, A. Kelleher, O. Hen, J. Dumas, E. Piasetzky, N. Pilip, G. Ron, I. Sabo-Napadensky, and R. Wiess-Babai.


9. The EMC Effect and High Momentum Nucleons in Nuclei

O. Hen, D. W. Higinbotham, G. A. Miller, E. Piasetzky, and L. B. Weinstein.

8. The EMC effect still puzzles after 30 years

D. W. Higinbotham, G. A. Miller, O. Hen, and K. Rith.

7. Measurement of Transparency Ratios for Protons from Short-Range Correlated Pairs

O. Hen et al. (Jefferson Lab CLAS Collaboration).

6. Study of Neutron Induced Defects in Ceramics using the GIPS Facility

S. May-Tal Beck, M. Butterling, W. Anwand, A. Beck, A. Wagner, G. Brauer, A. Ocherashvili, I. Israelashvili, and O. Hen.


5. New data strengthen the connection between Short Range Correlations and the EMC effect

O. Hen, E. Piasetzky, and L. B. Weinstein.

4. Investigations of HAVAR® Alloy using Positrons

S. May-Tal Beck, W. Anwand, A. Wagner, G. Brauer, A Beck, A. Ocherashvili, O. Hen, S. Harush, Y. Eisen, and D. Moreno.


3. Constraints on the large-x d/u ratio from electron-nucleus scattering at x->1

O. Hen, A. Accardi, W. Melnitchouk, and E. Piasetzky.

2. Short Range correlations and the EMC Effect

L. B. Weinstein, E. Piasetzky, D. W. Higinbotham, J. Gomez, O. Hen, and R. Shneor.

1. Short Range correlations and the EMC Effect

E. Piasetzky, L. B. Weinstein, D. W. Higinbotham, J. Gomez, O. Hen, and R. Shneor.

Full publication list: see Inspire / Google Scholar


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