Other Publications
First Measurement of 𝜈𝜇 Charged-Current π0 Production on Argon with a LArTPC
C. Adams et al. (MicroBooNE Collaboration)
Submitted for Publication (2018). arXiv: 1811.02700
A Deep Neural Network for Pixel-Level Electromagnetic Particle Identification in the MicroBooNE Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber
C. Adams et al. (MicroBooNE Collaboration)
Submitted for Publication (2018). arXiv: 1808.07269
Comparisons of νμ-Ar multiplicity distributions observed by MicroBooNE to GENIE model predictions
C. Adams et al. (MicroBooNE Collaboration)
Submitted for Publication (2018). arXiv: 1805.06887
Ionization Electron Signal Processing in Single Phase LArTPCs II. Data/Simulation Comparison and Performance in MicroBooNE
C. Adams et al. (MicroBooNE Collaboration)
JINST 13, 07007 (2018). arXiv: 1804.02583
Ionization Electron Signal Processing in Single Phase LArTPCs I. Algorithm Description and Quantitative Evaluation with MicroBooNE Simulation
C. Adams et al. (MicroBooNE Collaboration)
JINST 13, 07006 (2018). arXiv: 1802.08709
The Pandora multi-algorithm approach to automated pattern recognition of cosmic-ray muon and neutrino events in the MicroBooNE detector
R. Acciarri et al. (MicroBooNE Collaboration)
Eur. Phys. J. C 78, 82 (2018). arXiv: 1708.03135
Measurement of cosmic-ray reconstruction efficiencies in the MicroBooNE LArTPC using a small external cosmic-ray counter
R. Acciarri et al. (MicroBooNE Collaboration)
JINST 12, 12030 (2017). arXiv: 1707.09903
Noise Characterization and Filtering in the MicroBooNE Liquid Argon TPC
R. Acciarri et al. (MicroBooNE Collaboration)
JINST 12, 08003 (2017). arXiv: 1705.07341
Michel Electron Reconstruction Using Cosmic-Ray Data from the MicroBooNE LArTPC
R. Acciarri et al. (MicroBooNE Collaboration)
JINST 12, 09014 (2017). arXiv: 1704.02927
Determination of muon momentum in the MicroBooNE LArTPC using an improved model of multiple Coulomb scattering
R. Acciarri et al. (MicroBooNE Collaboration)
JINST 12, 10010 (2017). arXiv: 1703.06187
Design and Construction of the MicroBooNE Detector
R. Acciarri et al. (MicroBooNE Collaboration)
JINST 12, 02017 (2017). arXiv: 1612.05824
Convolutional Neural Networks Applied to Neutrino Events in a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber
R. Acciarri et al. (MicroBooNE Collaboration)
JINST 12, 03011 (2017). arXiv: 1611.05531
Analysis of Neutron Stars Observables Using a Correlated Fermi Gas Model
O. Hen, A. W. Steiner, E. Piasetzky, and L.W. Weinstein.
Electroexcitation of the Δ+(1232) at low momentum transfer
A. Blomberg et al. (Jefferson Lab Hall-A Collaboration).
Phys. Lett. B, 760, 267 (2016). arXiv: 1509.00780
A Proposal for a Three Detector Short-Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Program in the Fermilab Booster Neutrino Beam
MicroBooNE, LAr1-ND, and ICARUS-WA104 Collaborations
Disentangling the EMC Effect
E. Piasetzky, O. Hen, and L. B. Weinstein.
AIP Conf. Proc. 1560, 355 (2013). arXiv: 1209.0636
Extracting a free neutron structure function from proton and deuteron deep inelastic scattering data
O. Hen, E. Piasetzky, R. Shneor, L. B. Weinstein, and D. W. Higinbotham.
DIS-2011 conference proceeding. arXiv: 1109.6197
New Measurements of the Transverse Beam Asymmetry for Elastic Electron Scattering from Selected Nuclei
S. Aprahamyan et al. (Jefferson Lab HAPEX and PREX Collaborations).
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 192501 (2012). arXiv: 1208.6164
Measurements of the Neutron Radius of 208Pb Through Parity-Violation in Electron Scattering
S. Aprahamyan et al. (Jefferson Lab PREX Collaboration).
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 112502 (2012). arXiv: 1201.2568
A Comparative glance into the HAVAR alloy by PAS and TEM methods
S. May-Tal Beck, W. Anwand, A. Wagner, S. Harush, Y. Eisen, A. Beck, A. Ocherashvili, O. Hen, and D. Moreno.